Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Majority Rules

There is something that's been bothering me. I've heard in several places people talk about these elections as being a sort of referendum for disengagement. This talk refers to the idea that if Kadima wins, then the people have decided they want disengagement. Sorry to inform you all that this is absolutely wrong. A referendum would require a majority of 50% + 1 usually. The Knesset contains 120 MP's (when they come), so 61 is a majority. Even in the most optimistic of polls, do Kadima come no where near 61 seats. If you want to look at the elections as a referendum, then accept the fact that unless Kadima gets 61 seats or more, then the people have voted against disengagement.

I voted this morning for a conventional party, forgetting my plans to perhaps put some monopoly money in the envelope, or perhaps a statement call for Rudolf Giuliani for leader.

I have to add at this point, that I've noticed, that oddly enough, the spell checker seems to want to change the word "Kadima" into "Saddam".

Well, the main happening is indeed, the fact that the country, so tired of going to the polls 15 times in the last 5 years had decided to make a real good time out of the holiday. Shops are offering special deals while people are out and about enjoying the nice whether. At least one good thing has come out of the elections.


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