Saturday, August 05, 2006


The Israeli national cricket team is in Scotland currently in order to participate in The European Cricket Championships. However, up to now, their participation has been prohibited by hatred. The first match that was scheduled was cancelled. Demonstrations have been a big threat, along with more conventional threats specifically made at the Israeli players.

It is deeply saddening to see such hatred aimed at innocent people. What on earth, do these players have to do with what is going on in The Middle East? What if these players are in fact against the war? My advice, and I will preach here, to certain protesters against a war (some protests are peaceful - not doubt), start bringing peace into your own lives, into your own hearts, and then move on to other people and places. I will refer here to the protests in Britain against PM Tony Blair's stand on the issue: PM Blair represents what the majority of the country feels, yes including about The Middle East. After the war in Iraq was deemed a disaster, after weapons of mass destruction were declared to not exist (anymore at least) in Iraq, the general public voted him in again, for a third term, when they had a very real alternative.

So, besides for the safety of these players, who I know personally, I fear for everybody in the world. This is nothing new, it is just a reminder that there is hatred out there, and your fellow people are out there, ready to harm you, for no reason but their own hatred.

I will not refer to these violent acts anti-Semitism. While that term is fitting, I feel that in order to make my point I need to use a word that is used when the same hatred - exactly the same is demonstrated against other religions or groups: Racism.

Recommendation: Watch the recent movie Munich.

Article published on the 3rd of August
Article published on the 4th of August
Article published on the 5th of August


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